When last summer I read a book by Mona Brooks, "Drawing with children", I got so excited and inspired and did a few "drawing lessons" with our girls, 5 and 3 at that time. They did so well and we had such a good time together, that they have been asking for more drawing lessons (like they don't draw enough on their own and need my guidance!).
Also, they have been saying that "Mama is no fun, but Daddy is", I got a bit worried and decided to incorporate some "fun" into our already very busy homeschool day.
So, I have decided to do some more art lessons again. We are not just drawing together, we are learning about an artist and then doing a project in his/her style. We started with Claude Monet and did the water lilies using the strips of the tissue paper.
And today we learned about Georgia O'Keefe and her paintings of flowers. The girls also tried to work with new media as they followed my instructions and did the Jimson Weed flower using oil pastels. The smudging part was a bit too hard for their weak little fingers, so I had to help both of them a lot in this area, and MY fingers were hurting after a while! But with Ivana and Leona doing the drawing part and me the smudging part, I think the final product came out great!
I think we are ready to take down the art display from last year (the one that is hanging on the walls by their beds), and slowly replace it with the new one. Both of the girls definitely want to keep their old art work and we decided to create an art portfolio for each of them.
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