Friday, February 17, 2006

Nemo, where are you?

Lats weekend we got to watch "Finding Nemo".

It was our 5th anniversary and this time there was no restaurant outing, but rather a stay at home family celebration. Mirek cooked the dinner, it was absolutely delicious. We opened a bottle of red wine and later all four of us got comfortable on the sofa under one blanket and watched "Finding Nemo". It was so wonderful! The movie was hilariuos and we really enjoyed it!

So this week girls' interest in our fishtank rose dramatically. They were tapping on the glass in search for Nemo, in vain. Ivana remembered poor fish being scared in the movie when the dentist's niece was just coming closer to the tank. So she didn't want to cause our fish any trauma, and was teaching Alisa and Leona to be quiet when next to the fishtank. That didn't go too well... Alisa even managed to drop a piece of rag, that she was washing the floor with earlier, into the the tank.

Ivana said she'd like to learn more about the sea world. So, we got the book "Sharks and other Sea Creatures from A-Z". We are becoming quite experts on different types of sharks and fish. She was really amazed with the Japanese Spider Crab, Narwhal, Porcupine Fish and Goblin Shark. But her favourite was Cookiecutter Shark!
I guess next visit to the aquarium she'll try to look for them!

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