Thursday, April 13, 2006

Saving money on gym membership.

As the warm days are finally here we spend a lot of time outside these days. And I feel that I've been getting slowly back in shape after a long winter and a lot of baking with the kids.

I wish someone would come up with a formula how to calculate the calories used by pushing a double stroller with two almost 20 lbs. toddlers, having a full backet with the groceries and even some of the bags hanging on the sides of the stroller (I'd estimate in average another 20 lbs), then Ivana holding on to and on the way back leaning on the stroller beacause she is tired of all that walking. And then some five or more trips up and down the steps to bring the groceries.

Some days we have so many places to stop by. Like yesterday, for example. We left home at 10:45 am. Firts went to the postal center to buy stamps, then headed to the bank, after to the pet store to buy food for our fish, then to the Polish Deli to buy so much loved ginger cookies, stopped by to buy shoes for Leona, to the library (was still closed), went to the park for an hour and a half, again to the library, finally bought some groceries on the way back and headed home at 2pm.

I was so impressed with how much we'd accomplished while Ivana being on her bicycle. That was quite an exercise! So, I guess as long as we live in the city I won't have to go the gym, ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » » »