Saturday, April 01, 2006

All that sun!

Our girls have stopped napping during the day at a very early age (before turning 2 yo). They are too busy exploring the world and don't want to miss out on anything. At first I missed that hour of them napping, when I could do whatever I wanted. But then it turned out that in the evening they are ready to go to bed much earlier and fall asleep the moment their little heads are on the pillows.

But today a miracle happened! All that runnig outside on the sun, and both of them fell asleep on the sofa while I was reading a book to them. I was ready to drop dead next to them, but grabbed "Learning All the Time", by J. Holt instead. An hour flew by like a minute.


Angela said...

I am so glad you caught that moment with a photo! I still love watching my sleeping babes, even if they are 11 & 14! They only seem to fall asleep in the car, on the way home from the lake or beach anymore, but I can't stop myself glancing back and seeing images of their much younger selves. Enjoy every minute!

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info winsor pilates