Peaches are in season!
We've done apple picking before, but never tried peach picking. So we decided to give it a try. It' s not so much to buy the peaches cheaper than in a store, but to show the girls how the peach tree looks like.
It's just funny... I was growing up and our family had a garden, so, weeding, harvesting, preserve making were chores... Now we have to pay to have a tractor ride!
A little trip like that for a family of five, when the older ones get to go on a horse, hay ride, corn maze, and paying for the picked fruits... we are looking to spend close to a $100!
Milana had great time watching the big sisters run around filling up the box with peaches.
I also got a dehumidifier, so I'll be trying to dehumidify those peached.
Hmm.... Mirek bought a LOT of beats last time on a farmer's market... now it got me thinking if I should try the beats in the dehumidifier!